The land of Shogun is a vast land populated by humans, elves, and monsters. The great protectors and providers of this land are the Rangers, a special class of warrior specially trained to hunt and combat the monsters. In this series we follow a hero named Ken Khan. Born into a farming family, a terrible tragedy befalls Ken's home. Though left an orphan, he is given the rare opportunity to enroll into the Ranger Academy and become a Ranger so that he may one day avenge his family.


This page is dedicated to the land of Shogun, the titular "Realm" in which the series takes place in!

In a time when there was only darkness, The Goddess of the Heavens gave life to her sons and daughters. Together with the new Gods and Goddesses forged in the eternal darkness, a star. After the star they forged the moon. As beautiful as the moon was, it was without life and without hope. The Goddess of the Heavens asked her sons and daughters forged our beautiful world, full of life. The first was the great ocean. Then the from the ocean, the land rose up. The God of Land, Bargon, named this great land, Shogun.

Mentioned in Episode 7: Return of the Titans, is the sacred scrolls which map out the religious beliefs of the people of Shogun. Much like the various religions of the real world, the religion of Shogun talks about the creation of the great continent where the series takes place.
Shogun was created to set the series in a world that was both familiar yet fantasy. Additionally it was designed by Scott Newman --Realm Of Monsters' creator-- to have the same landmass as Asia to give the series enough room to believably contain the vast amount diversity in it's ecosystems, fauna, and the people who inhabit it.
The culture of its people is a composite multiple medieval and feudal time periods from various parts of our world's history. Like Medieval Europe, the land is divided up by the people into kingdoms ruled by kings and its villages, towns and cities lead by land-lords. Like feudal Japan and China, all answer to one Emperor who resides in the capital port of Windshire. Inspiration for the people's beliefs is taken from multiple cultures as well. Multiple Gods with various duties was most commonly attributed to the ancient Greeks. Native American customs are seen in the practices of the Rangers; most notably in the way they do not let the creatures they hunt go to waste and that they never resort to killing the beasts of Shogun unless it is a necessary action. The latter practice was most notably seen in Episode 8 when Ken and Vanessa stop Argo from attempting to kill a rare sea serpent.


As for the Kingdoms of Shogun there are thirteen in total. The port of Windshire, while well inside the boundaries of the Kingdom of Norland, does not fall under the rule of the Kingdom. Much like how the United States' capital is not associated with the States of Maryland or Virginia. Though the Kingdoms of Shogun coincide peacefully overall, their have been instances in the past where the Kingdoms of Teccas and Baddoran have stirred trouble. Teccas was the only one of the two who ended with a peaceful settlement, while Baddoran was forced to submit; a defeat that it's people still feel, albeit slightly, sore about.

The geography and environments of Shogun are vastly diverse as well. Though most of the Kingdoms feature a variety of in the different environments, some are more dominated by a certain type. The island Kingdom of Karotto, the island chain to its north east, and the islands to the West of Sparrow are the only places with tropical rain forests which are home to a variety of exotic wildlife and plant life. It is because of these facts that those areas are considered both very sacred and yet very valuable.
Baddoran and Teccas, both largely dominated by badlands and desert which are largely the reason behind the stirrings they caused in the past. It is even believed that the reason both Kingdoms have such a rough geography was the result of the clash between the Gods of Darkness and their kin; with Teccas' crater like appearance believed to be the place where one of the Gods of Darkness was struck down into the Earth during the great war.
A number of the mountain areas in Norland, Morgan, and Gersia are as valuable as they are traitorous for it is where the Dwarves tend to set up mining settlements. The mountains tend to contain an infinite wealth of precious materials and the Dwarves are superb in the mining industry. Its a profitable and at times, peroless job though for the mountains are home to dangerous beasts such as trolls, golems and cave spiders. The Kingdom of Chisan is where the the largest mines can be found and is also the homeland of the Dwarves.
The land of of Eruf is the homeland of the Elves. Unlike the rest of Shogun, Eruf's wildlife is made up of mostly peaceful creatures. The few dangerous inhabitants tend to live in the more secluded areas of the kingdom and therefore seldom cause any disturbances. A number of sacred monsters live in borders of this island kingdom as well which make it the most sacred land to the rest of Shogun


To the North is the ice-riddled Glacier Ocean. To the East is the Great Abyssal Ocean. Baddoran Ocean lies to the south when there the island nation of Baddoran rests. Lastly to the west is Megatooth Ocean, the only known habitat of one of Shogun's most feared oceanic predators, Megalodon; the Mega-tooth Shark.
The bodies of water around Shogun are vast and are teaming with life. Despite the perils, sailing is almost as popular of a profession as becoming a Ranger. The amount of adventure, thrills and dangers are about on par as well for there are always talks of great treasures, unexplored lands, and countless dangers waiting on the high seas. Aside from monstrous sea-beasts like Luscas, Kronosaurs, and the aforementioned Megalodons, there are also bands of pirates, glaciers & ice sheets in the north, and reefs in the south.
The rewards are vast for becoming a sailor should one brave the dangers. Trading with the kingdoms of Baddoran, Karotto, and Eruf is a very profitable venture in itself but there are also always talks of hidden treasures among the reefs and in sunken ships. Fishermen also make a great living for all the great hauls of food they bring in especially in the Great Abyssal Ocean. In addition to the rewards there is always the chance of discovering previously unexplored islands which is also what brings us to one of Shogun's greatest mysteries...


As legend goes, nearly a hundred years before the events of ROM, one of the largest and most durable ships every built, The Venture did what no other ship in history did; braved the unknown and sailed across the Great Abyssal Ocean. While the other three oceans still remain to be explored as well, the Great Abyssal is the least traitorous. However sailors would spend months on it's waves trying to see if there were other far off lands yet to be revealed. Eventually it became popular belief that there was nothing outside of Shogun but endless ocean. One man thought differently, Captain Julius Thorn from the kingdom of Scata.
Thorn claimed to have come into possession of a mysterious map that showed the way to an uncharted continent. After much debating with his colleagues and much gold spent on construction, supplies, and men; Captain Thorn organized an expedition that would take him across the Great Abyssal Ocean. After setting off from the Port of Windshire the Venture and its crew of twenty-five men were not seen again for two years. The Venture returned to Windshire with only twelve of it's original crew; Captain Thorn not among them. They claimed that after a year of sailing they set shore on an undiscovered land. The inhabitants were tribal people who wore little to no clothing and spoke a strange dialect. Most shocking was that they also encountered colossal monsters the likes of which no one had heard of before. It was at the hands of one of these beasts that the Venture lost most of her crew. They dubbed the land Abyss and said that should anyone ever dare to make the year long voyage, they best bring all the Rangers in Shogun for that would be the only way they could stand a chance should they ever face the monsters they saw.
Given the resources and lives lost in the Venture's journey, it was deemed fool-hardy for anyone to try and find Abyss. Additionally with the loss of Captain Thorn, the secret of how to find Abyss was lost as well. Since then Abyss has become a ghost story among sailors and pirates alike.

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